Our Inaugural Meeting – 9th March 2011

Meeting Held Wednesday 9th March 2011, Upstairs at the Crown and Two Chairmen


  1. Membership:
    Membership of the collective should be found from those who are both or one of the following, Living or working within London’s Soho area, working within the media industry. The addition to these two conditions is that some directly associated with members may on occasion be allowed to join at the discretion of all members, typically balloted and asked to respond within seven days.
  2. Club membership names:
    • Club nick-names only on tour.
    • Discussion as to various nick-names vigorously put forward by Roger Kelly were that Philip Richardson should be Piss – as a buggerisation of Yuri (Urine) as the Philip Feels all of our nicknames should be derived several times from Socialist celebrities of latter day times.
  3. Rules of Cricket:
    • An event is to be planned for the tutoring of Umpiring skills, Scoring and rules, as we lack enough skills as a team in that department. Tim Graham will lead our way in this.
  4. Touring
    • Proper etiquette top be improved.
    • Team money to be supplied to home team.
    • Adequate provision for umpiring and scoring from our team.
    • Large “Beer Jug” to be bought for Home Umpires.


  1. Everybody was made aware of existence of:


  1. SCC versus VCC (VCC are The Belsize Village Cricket Club )
    26th June 2011
    Location: Possible Suffolk (Contact to be made with member Mark Blackledge) OR Wisley (Rob Dixon or Tony Dickie considering approach)
  2. SCC versus Quantel
    Location: Probably Welford. SCC to meet all costs as it’s returns time
  3. Possible match in High Wycombe – my notes are drunken and illegible. Can somebody refresh my mind please? I also wrote something underneath it which looks like ASTON ROUNT – ? Anybody?
  4. Headingley Old Boys – I believe Tim Graham had some further things to say on this possible fixture, so Tim, please remind me!
  5. RAC
    Location: Somewhere very posh – Oli looking into this.


  1. Numbers
    • We all agree that between forty and fifty members would be suitable in order to always get a team together for a match and also to best enable practice matches and sessions etc. – Beer or otherwise!
    • Scheduling matches and finding teams, broad stroke rules:
      • On announcement of a fixture a message will go out to all paid up members
      • Founding members will get first dibs to play for the first two weeks from the announcement of the fixture or the first third of the duration before the fixture, whichever is shorter
      • All members then take any priority over places up until the last week before a fixture in which case places will be filled by keen associates of members.
    • Increasing numbers will be every members duty, a final decision made by all members willing to bother – upon a request being made to all to judge.
    • Areas to seek members:
      • BAFTA – Philip Richardson
      • UNION CLUB & HOSPITAL & CENTURY – Olivier to seek
      • SOHO fun run for Visions Charity- I believe Roger Kelly mentioned this charity may be worth a look


  1. Before any match we must:
    • A week before, play a practice match on a pitch – perhaps Regent’s Park
    • Net practice for a month before
  2. Generally:
    • Get into the nets regularly. Fix a weekly or bi-weekly meet and see who can make it along. Those who do all equally pay for the practice. They will of course be seen to take priority through keenness when it comes to selection.
    • Field practice: Catches, Catches, Catches.
    • Texts and emails shall be the principal method of informing members of games and practices.


  1. After a general discussion about what is typical and what would be fair the following points were mooted:
    • An annual subscription of £50-£60 would be acceptable and a percentage of that would go to one or several charities. This percentage to be arranged.
    • Each fixture – match away – will be subject to a participation fee. This fee being typically in the £10 region (?) and meant to cover tea-costs and beer for umpires.
    • Olivier is going to look into the details we need to cover to set up an account for the SCC but all help is gratefully accepted.


  1. Colours:
    RED – The Ball and the colour of life and blood and sex (soho!)
    WHITE – The gentleman’s colour of attire for the most gentlemanly game.
    GREEN – The field of battle
  2. LOGO: ROb Dixon is investigating several ideas. As with our collective nature, we are wondering about various plays on the Russian Hammer and Sickle.
  3. Motto options are many but try these on for size:
    • For society not glory
    • Model upstairs
    • Naughty but nice
    • Forget the speed, feel the width
    • Whips bats and balls
    • No skill, very sophisticated
    • We cam, we saw, we conquered –  a variant of that
    • Trendy media socialists
    • Deluded in white
    • 42 years, no more no less

So, i hope you have all thoroughly read through these minutes and now have lots to comment on. So please comment – it’s a blog.

Thank you all very much.



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