AGM for the Soho Cricket Collective
Wednesday 23rd January 2013
Held at
The Union Club
50 Greek Street
Those present
- Mark Blackledge
Marx-B - Peter Brandon
Brandonovski - Tim Graham
Cobramovich - Olivier Lauchenauer
Ilyeva - Philip Richardson
Yuri - Jon Savitt
The meeting commenced around a round table that catered for all of the suitable paperwork and provided ample space for food and wine to be laid out. This, comrades, was achieved successfully and was suitably ample.
Welcome and note
As comrade commissar premier, Yuri P greeted all those present. The quorum was achieved and meeting commenced at 19:30
Financial Statements
Comrade commissar Treasurer, Ilyeva provided us with the statement of account, To-whit:
The Revenue was:
In the 2012 season of play there 15 players who paid the subscriptions and one of which was a junior player. This came to a total of £540.00.
Matches and Net fees produced £361.00
The costs were as follows:
Internet fees, including hosting and transfer of domain, £105.50
Ryde BBQ fee for team £100.00
Trophy cost £58.50
Match teas £385.00
As of 22nd January 2013:
The bank held £910.65
Cash held £89.98
Charitable donations made:
Royal Marsden and D.Adam’s appeal £1,400.00
Charitable donation to be made:
Parkinson’s UK £360.16
The latter donation shall be made next week and we shall publicise it.
Membership fees will remain unchanged at £40.00 with half of that going to our charities.
Ilyeva concluded.
Quartermasters Report
Comrade commissar Quartermaster, Brandonovski provided us with the statement of account, To-whit:
Serious Cricket have provided us with a very good service this season and many comrades have taken up the colours for us. The scheme that they provide gives us a small kick back for all kit bought and over the course of the season we are due just over £60.00 to go to the bank.
We have decided that all paid up members MUST have at least an SCC shirt.
The treasurer must purchase and the quartermaster must present or make able to be borrowed two XL SCC shirts for every match. This way we can maintain a good image on the pitch and provide spares for those who forget or those who play unusually for us!!!
Jumpers to be ordered Before the end of February. ILYEVA is to proceed with ordering.
Blazers would be a welcome addition and some research should commence throughout the season by the quartermaster into a good source and design.
Cultural attaché’s Report
Comrade commissar Quartermaster, Brandonovski provided us with the statement of account, To-whit:
Comradery in the field and increased skills will be achieved by improving our knowledge of field positions. This will speed up positioning and produce and over all feeling of well being amongst a confident and suitably located player.
Again, a binding and culturally significant level of knowledge will be in us all in understanding Umpiring signals. This will benefit scoring and bring us together as a tight, cohesive unit.
More fanaticism is required. Let’s build the brand and drive more zealotism into our comrades. Fashion items should be designed and made available. Reference to http://www.bodylinetshirts.com
Cobramovich accepted continued nomination as cultural attaché and wants to work with Brandonovski in developing a training schedule as a joint responsibility.
Cobramovich concluded.
Captains’ Reports
Comrade commissar Captains provided us with the statement of account, To-whit:
Captain Marx-B is very keen for us to improve our decision making in the field as umpires. There were some shocking decisions made last and particularly in regards to our own team players. Hopefully this will improve this year as Brandonovski and Yuri are doing their level 1 umpiring course and will spread knowledge. Also, we should use square leg umpire as an opportunity to train lesser experienced officials through observation of the other.
Captain Cobramovich wants to see “stick ability” and all were suitably antagonised by my comment that I may as well swing out and go out for two as opposed to stick in and go out for two. His point being that our will improve greatly from time in the square scoring not much than a brief walk in and out and scoring not much. Fair point.
Equally, he noted with suitable admiration the captain of Stonor CC comment he “doesn’t care for pavilion pressure”. The underlying truth is that batting trading and heads down to follow the ball will strikingly improve our scores.
Also, more team building chat is required in the field. Perhaps some chanting, singing and glue type vocalisation.
Captain Yuri is up for more captaining and by the end of the season would like to captain a full day match.
Comrade Jontin was nominated and accepted to be a field captain for at least a match in the season and was warmly greeted into the commissariat thereby making him comrade commissar captain Jontin.
Commissariat positions
Comrade commissar Premier, Yuri provided us with the statement of positions, To-whit:
No comments were submitted to change the nature of the commissar roles, so no change in name or number shall be made. So the 2013 commissar roles are accordingly:
Comrade commissar Premier, Yuri
Comrade commissar Treasurer, Ilyeva
Comrade commissar cultural attaché, Cobramovich
Comrade commissar quartermaster, Brandonovski
Comrade commissar captains, Marx-B, Cobramovich, Jontin, Yuri
Comrade commissar adjutants, Soldya, Antonov. NB the latter TBC by Antonov.
Commissars, Cobramovich and Brandonovski have been voted for to jointly look after the training rosta for the SCC this season. Cobramovich securing all boot camp and field activities and Brandonovski supervising all net bookings. Details to follow very soon.
Nobody desired a vote to change the holder of premier or treasurer positions in the 2014 AGM and so none shall be offered. However, a vote can be held in 2014 AGM to make the same decision for 2015.
Comrade commissar Premier, Yuri provided us with the statement of fixtures, To-whit:
All of the fixtures were agreed as was also the desire to find an April match. All fixtures are available on the blog.
Comrade commissar Premier, Ilyeva provided us with the statement of need, To-whit:
It was thought that the SCC may not yet need sponsorship. When we have more members then perhaps we shall have a need.
What would any sponsorship be needed for? Not items or kit necessarily it perhaps some exuberant fixtures? We talked of creating a match in Red Square in Moscow fuss a local team and comrade commissar Jontin was going to investigate such a fixture. Smirnoff could sponsor such an event under the line “worth a shot!”
Pre-season drinks
Comrade commissar Premier, Cobramovich provided us with the statement of thirst, To-whit:
Cobramovich vigorously nominated his home for a preseason drinks event TBC.
Any other business
Comrade commissar Premier, Yuri provided us with the statement of rules, To-whit:
Founder members are those players who played in the season 2010/2011 seasons however they are provided with no special acclaim in selection anymore.
Selection will work hence:
First choice will go to fully paid up members of the SCC up until 23:59 three days before the match. So for a Sunday match, Wednesday 23:59.
Second choice is all non members and guests.
If an over subscriotion occurs by accident or otherwise, the captain of the match will decide the players to take part on the field.