SCC AGM_Minutes
Thursday 6th February 2020
Lord’s Tavern, St John’s Wood, NW8 8NQ
Here are the generalised rsults of our AGM.
Having decided a quorum was present, the register was:
- Philip Richardson – YURI
- Malcolm Hercus – MALKOVICH
- Ashwin Rattan – YAN
- Jonathan Savitt – JONTIN
- Dan Woodhouse – DACHA
- Malik Suleman – MALIKOVICH
- Stephen Meade – TBC
- Dan March – SOLDYA
No particular order placed. Absent friends and comrades were toasted.
MALKOVICH – treasurer commissar
- The best ever presentation of accounts in our history. Congratulations all around to comrade Malkovich for outstanding formatting.
- Once again, we must stay on top of collecting match fees at matches. The usual struggle for cash in a debit card world.
- Could we all ask that each of us who adoes not have the cash sets up the SCC as a payee on their phones so that Malkovich can see them transfer the money there and then?
- We expect to have porbably 14 members at £50 per full membership.
- Hstorically 50% of remaining funds to be paid to a charity at the year end. This has been split between Parkinson’s and a Heart charity BUT:
- NOT the British Heart Foundation as Jontin has issues with them.
- No change in membership fees, they stay at £50 for senior and £25 for junior of first year new members.
- Spending on the awards and that event to remain unchanged.
- Meadvedev ask about a pay as you play scheme for those unable to play a whole season.
- The decision was to see where we are by the star of March but this now may be delayed until May?
- Also mooted was the idea of increasing one-off match fees to £15. The feeling was that this was steep and again we would assess where we were at season start.
- Malkovich needs blog login details – Yuri to provide with run-through
BRANDONOVSKI – Quartermaster commissar
- Not present at AGM
- Keep pushing for more kit purchase as we do get a cut.
- More publicity for the club’s shop through social media.
- Wicket keeping kit is available between Meadvedev and Hooperoff.
- A further half-doze balls needs to be ordered – Brandonovski
JONTIN – Captains’ commissar
- Mixed season, he was especially sad at our thrashing at Sandon.
- As ever, we really must keep up our mojo in our game in the field. Pecker up! Speak up, everybody must commit to more banter, encouraging the bowler and certainly not deriding him mid over, Jontin.
- Those about to come into bat – be ready for it! In play and mind.
- At break and closure, we must mix with the oppo more and boost our levels of sociability. – JONTIN to drive this
- This season we shall be expecting wicket keeping from Malkovich and Hodder but are open to further suggestions.
YANKHEROFF – Fixtures commissar
- Fixtures have now been advertised on FaceBook and need to go on blog – Yuri
- Top Knockers were apparently embarrassed by the ringers they brought in, last year.
- In discussion between skippers before the game, we should push for 50 and off and perhaps highlight this desire in advance.
DACHA – Training commissar
- Paddington nets work well, and that Lord’s for indoor nets was also good, if arranged independently.
- Wednesday or Thursday best for nets
- Let’s have some fielding drills too.
YURI – comrade commissar premier
- Discussion of new Premier
- Thoroughly encouraged by Yuri
- Yankheroff happy to step up but it will need to slow as his career situation is changing and the year may be difficult.
- Phased hand-over across the year.
- Yankheroff to be Premier-Elect
- Yuri to help and develop the change.
- Other commissariat roles:
- Soldya remains Adjutant
- Jontin remains Captains’ commissar
- Dacha remains training commissar
- Malkovich remains treasurer
- Brandonovski remains quartermaster – Monitoring this season
- Yankheroff remains fixtures. How will this change at year end?
- Our 10th anniversary will roughly coincide with our Xiles match at Firle. This should be celebrated. Can we make something of it?
Yuri to check in with Hooperoff – stayover before/after match?
Any other business
- The blog needs to be made more of as people are leaving Facebook and the only constant is whatsapp (mostly) and the blog.
Yuri to create a blog-how-to video for members - New members drinks to be promoted by Soldya
This should be March/April. Date and venue to be found. - Malik Suleman really liked the match reports to be video shot immediately after the match and Yuri and others agreed this was best.
Please remind Yuri on match days to do this.
These minutes are for adding and adjusting by those present at the AGM and should be done so by comments or emails to premier.
Many thanks