LMSCC won by 30 Runs with 113 for 8
SCC at 83 runs for 5
Friendly4 20-20
Comrades! Once more we strolled onto the Friendly 4 tournament Pitch, this time at Southgate. Not North Middlesex, no! Southgate. A lot further than we were expecting and changed last minute. We shall not cry unfair, as we are not children who get upset at leaving home. For we are travelers, wherever we lay our caps, that’s our home. Of interest though when we consider our fixtures for 2015.
We had a number of late comers due to the last minute change but we commenced in a happy frame of mind. Bowling under way with Jontin and Hodderoffski. Nice to see a change of face at the opening and to full effect too. Hodderoffski took their opener for 6, caught and bowled! A gentle leap to his right and the ball smartly taken – great work, comrade! Then out splendid tourist, Hooperoff, stepped up and at the end of his first over took Goodman, clean bowled.
I joined in the attack and took Yates, clean bowled and don’t take a breath, there’s no time! What followed was a beautiful double act of and Cobramovich. The former providing a tempter which Chowdrey smacked back over his head. Carrying to corpse length from the boundary where Cobramovich dipped and scooped it up, two feet from the ground. Fast too, great work, Cobramovich.
Holt was out LBW after a smashing arrival of Soldya, whose spell went on to produce another wicket, that of Blyth for 3, clean bowled. Marx-B then smashed the stumps of Griffin! Wow, the bowling attack worked really well for this match and new to the collective and punishingly effective was Louinski Bamberov who played mind games with first few balls and then took the wicket of Austin.
In the field, the word was GOOD! Deserving of special mention is Sewelski who deploying his full range of tactical stops was able to hold off at least 20 extra runs throughout the innings. The catch of Cobramovich goes without saying – but exemplary. Special congratulations to Captain Brandonovski and Cobramovich, his vice. The field placement for the match was excellent, with always good hands, a foot or a chest (!) to stop the ball and get it back. Very impressed in the ‘Polite bureau’ [sic], we are!
Although the skies had cleared and we were chasing a total of 113, the sun was very low and light running away from us. So it wouldn’t be an easy innings by any means. Openers were Cobramovich and Hodderoffski who made 62 between them. Hodderoffski notably two 6s and five 4s – great work again! Hooper, Marx-B, Brandonovski and Jontin also got bats but it’s hard to report much here as batting in the murk is hardly easy. But of course, we are grateful for their valiant work.
One final commendation is to comrade commissar treasurer, Ilyeva. Who galliantly stepped forward and umpired for most of our innings. Many of our comrades must take note of this and aim to do the same within the season.
Semper sodales, fors et victores!
This extra from comrade commissar, Cobramovich!