A change in the premier


As you know it is my intention to step down as Premier of the SCC and let another comrade take on the role. In this notice I shall explain:

  • What the role requires
  • Who is permissible
  • The nomination process
  • Transition

Key points are:

  • Nominations for the premier elect are invited from now until New year’s eve 2019. Nominations must be through an email to myself, phil@sohocricketcollective.com
  • The comrade nominated must also confirm that they are happy to stand by email to phil@sohocricketcollective.com
  • The nominated and nominator must come both be comrades who paid subs in 2019.
  • You cannot nominate yourself.`
Premier Yuri

How very official!? But this will be the last piece of rule construction I will undertake for the collective. I am not vanishing off to the sticks any time soon,  I am in rude health and I love you all. This intention to depart is because I think the collective needs to be able to show it is not one man’s play thing, not some bizarre power trip or ego boosting exercise. It has become a vital,  self supporting cricket club that can bring sport, development and fun to all of its comrades. There is a group of committed and enthusiastic commissars who have well established responsibilities and the best intentions for the collective and a body of playing and following comrades who love our club and the cricket we play. So the SCC is in good hands, yours. 

The birth of the club and the development of our wonderfully bizarre ethos, rules and hierarchy has been immensely satisfying for me to create and witness and I shall carry on beholding this behemoth of cricketing silliness in the field and boundaries as we step through the seasons until my intended departure to the sticks when opportunity arises. 

What I do and what the role requires are two different things. Web hosting, blog support,  Facebook admin etc. will have to roll out to a new position of commissar archivist or something. I intend to continue in this position until another capable comrade steps up. 

The premier of the Soho Cricket Collective is broadly responsible for:

  • Maintaining the moral position and ethos of the SCC as founded in its very beginning.
  • Ensuring fair and decent play among is comrades in all things related to the collective. 
  • Taking a leading role at times of difficult or contentious times for the collective. This is both in how we deal with relationships internally and externally. 
  • It is expected that premiers intend to be in the position for several seasons in order to provide consistency and stability. 
  • Being chairperson at all meetings for the SCC. These typically being AGMs, social events,  awards and commissariat gatherings. 
  • Determining direction and content for the agenda of meetings.
  • Being responsible for the overseeing of all awards of the SCC. and singularly responsible for the presentation of the Cobramovich Samovar each end of season. 
  • Maintaining and developing the social calendar of the collective,  especially in regards to making sure the principle events occur: End of season drinks and awards, AGM, New members/season drinks.
  • Support all comrade commissars in the execution of their roles. 
  • Responsibility for the issuing of call outs and team selections to the comrades via email,  social media and any other future method that may be required to reach all members. 
  • Selection of captain for each fixture

This is not an exhaustive list but I hope it illustrates what is the least of what is expected. It will no doubt change and evolve and all the better for it. Please post to me and publicise additional requirements or changes as you discover them. But the underlying theme is of course one of leadership without ego.

Who is permissible? Any comrade who nominated by another,  both of whom being a paid and played comrade in the present season. 

Nomination of a comrade for the role must be made by another comrade and with the permission of the nominated. They must want the position!

I imagine this first transition will be a model for the future so I shall talk in terms of my transition here. If it’s not a disaster,  the collective can adopt this method going forward. 

Towards the end of the current season comrades can be nominated by an open email or social media post to the premier. These will be made public as necessary to form a vote. 

Nominations will close 23:59 on December 31st 2019. 

All paid and played comrades from the current season can vote for their preferred premier in a simple one name process. 
Voting will open one week before the AGM and close as the AGM opens. The AGM will then determine the result by an inspected and confirmed process. 

The result of the election creates a premier elect. Together with myself,  they will come up to speed with the position and its responsibilities and form new approaches, all with my help and support.

Approximately half way through the coming season or by prior arrangement. In this case the 10th anniversary event and match,  I shall hand over the premiership and no longer be responsible to that role. The new premier will be given a new number 1 shirt and all will be done.

Comrades, semper sodales, fors et victores!

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