Comrades. This is my cunning little plan. I would like to gather about ten SCC faithful (and unfaithful) together and go along to Lord’s to partake of two hours of intensive batting and bowling practice. We shall take two nets, one dedicated to batting with a bowling machine and the other dedicated to bowling. Both will come with an instructor who will be annoyingly excellent, but also be able to point out simple errors in our games.
I want to organise this in the next two weeks as they have just opened their books. We should look at the mid to the end of October this year. The cost will be about £20-£30 and will be discounted if you have paid your subs. So please, if you are keen to get stuck in and have a booster to your game, then get back to me with good days of the week and good times and dates that are off.
This will happen one way or the other, but it will be an easier ride for me, comrades, if you help me out!