Nets #7 is at Lords’ Cricket Academy.
THURSDAY 15th September
17:00 – 19:00
North Gate, Wellington Road
Only open to those who have confirmed their places for the 17th versus NFTS i am afraid and then, only six places available.
The end of season training at THE LORDS’ CRICKET ACADEMY is another thing and i will blog this weekend about that!!!
So… Please read Lords’ terms below as you need to know what these things – you do!!

Nets #7 is:
Thursday 15th September 2011
17:00 – 19:00
North Gate, Wellington Road
Attendance: £7.00
Yuri Pedeez – Phil
Ilyeva Lunch-hour – Oli
Soldya – Dan March
Robski – Rob
Hudski – Menhaj Huds
WITHDRAWN: Cobramovich – Tim G
5 Indoor sports footwear, preferably white, to be worn in the nets.
Footwear with heavily ridged, studded or spiked soles is NOT permitted on the playing surface.
6 Conventional white cricket clothing to be worn.
Visitors are reminded that track suits and shorts may NOT be worn in the nets.
7 Players are expected to provide their own cricket equipment, including cricket balls.
8 Maximum of SIX players in a net at any one time. This condition is essential for the safety of all net users and non-adherence
will result in termination of the booking for persistent offenders.
12 Attendance at the Academy does not entitle admission to any other part of Lord’s Cricket Ground.
13 It is imperative that cricket equipment should not be left in the nets nor should batsmen pad up in the nets.
14 Visitors are asked to not practice outside the nets.
15 MOBILE PHONES: Should be kept switched off around the netting area.
17 We regret that we cannot be responsible for lost or stolen property, neither can we be held responsible for any injury incurred,
so please be careful at all times.
18 Please do not bring CHEWING GUM to the Academy.
19 Failure to comply with any of these conditions may result in cancellation of bookings.