MATCH TIED AT 82 BOLCC 82 for 6 SCC 82 for 6

It is always a nice marker for the season when the SCC and BOLCC appear at Regent’s Park for its annual cricketing 20-20 soiree. It says: Summer, fun, family and of course, cricket. Being a Friday evening of course, we generally have no trouble securing team from amongst the ranks of the SCC who haven’t gone off on holidays yet. Our team was a fine bunch of SCC trads with the addition of two, super new-bloods who we have tried to get amongst us for some time, Wilsongrad and Dagleyev (who are apparently also called Ross Wilson and Neil Dagley, but that is just dangerous hearsay). More of them soon.

The weather of course has to be mentioned. For the last week or more, the weather has been dependably gorgeous with sunny days and evenings a reliable fixture to the day. So of course, it seemed that the cricketing Gods had not paid their licence for this night and so from the skies came thunder and lightning… and rain. And boy, did it ever. We had been about to commence when the skies came down upon us like hot, heavy, black wet sponges. We were in the The Hub’s bar/café and that was we stayed for some time. The official inspecting the expansive cricketing grounds before finally moving us to an all-weather pitch a bit further along. We commenced and BOLCC were batting first. Opening Wells and Cassidy. Strike me down if that doesn’t sound like a par of cowboy villains or a Broadway musical duo. Or for that matter both. Against them opening the bowling was Yankheroff and Yuri, the joint 1976 Russian Chest-masters [sic]. The former was his usual grand self but I had arrived late and angry to the pitch and demonstrated nothing but poop for bowls. Luckily our new blood, Dagleyev was superb in his deception and on his third ball had Wells bowled for 18. Now put Soldya into the mix and the bowling was hot with surprises. For 24, Jontin provided Cassidy with all the desirous pitch a batsman could desire and he slapped the ball into the hands of Dagleyev – Magnificov comrades! McN of BOLCC was permitted a trip up to 21 (?) and then was retired N/O. Why he retired for that I don’t know as his last run was a single – but there we go. Rogers and Warren were out for nought by Jontin and a run-out. And Samovar, was out caught and bowled by Jontin. Elegance avec un touch of commie-ball-lust. Supremovar commissar Jontin. And a superb mention of new-blood punch was Wilsongrad who came amongst us and on his second over’s second ball, bent the stumps back to bowl Christophil. Robski, as ever, nippy behind and sticky with his hands. A pleasant mention too to Brandonovski, who when aroused enough to bowl, did so with two very economic and stytlish overs. All around, well done the SCC!!! A brief interval, where the guzzlers amongst us were all over the delicious food and drink supplied by Samovar and BOLCC – thank you! I managed a little but was too busy managing Richardson family politics and lovely babies, Rupert and Thomas, who at this point were still awake and providing lovley baby’ness to whoever so fancied it.
We opened with Dagleyev and Soldya. Both splendid, the former with some very elegant and slick stroked that glided him through to his 25 retiring N/O – one of which was a delightful six! Soldya was a splendid partner to many other bats to come. Rob and Yuri were in and out fast and I am afraid I rather let the side down by being a little tense as I walked out. Sometimes life gets you like that. My anger turn abruptly to the bowler, Nick as I was clobbered in the arm by a full toss and a flinch to the groin. Note to self, never turn ones anger to an innocent bowler as it just gets you out the next ball. Wilsongrad strolled out to pick up the debris. New-blood he is, shirker he is not. A most commendable 9 scored with a 6 included. Welcome aboard, comrade. Time for another retirement N/O? Yes, why not? And comrade commissar Jontin was just the ticket to supply it. Here is the man 0who can stoically provide staying power and scoring ability in one ample package. A 25 scored with a 6 and three 4s. He welcomed in young Owenoff and was soon conveying words of wisdom to him. This fine young comrade had a great eye on him and made two excellent runs during his stay. This was partially accompanied by Brandonovski who took an admirable 6 before being caught by Mr. Graham aka: Cobramovich. Through the magic of cricket and its most wonderful vagueries, it came down to the last ball. We were at equal scores of 82 and Sewelski went out to make a run. Never an easy task and most admirably, Sewelski found himself bowled out so the teams were equally tied. The winner? Cricket! Thank you comrades, PAWS and the BOLCC and their followers too and is it was a great game and so suitable to end at a tie – and so rare too. HUZZAR!