Friday April 11th 2014, location, Quo Vadis on Dean Street. We were secreted away in the Petting bar on the second floor. A pair of rooms as secret as the Mason’s most secret inner handshake. Once there, a splendid bunch of cricketing types were soon to be found. Indeed the best turn out for many an event. Some nice new faces and some rugged, hard bitten older ones. Hard bitten by the cricketing bug that binds the SCC together. A few games of pool and few cases of beer, prosecco to swill it all down.
The night’s highlight was of course a cricketing quiz, hosted by Soldya Grannysdog (Dan March). It’s safe to say that the teams were gripped by Soldya’s amazing repertoire of knowledge and sophisticated delivery. It was tightly won by the masterly duo of Jontin and Cobramovich who won by a whisker of the second placed Yuri led, 200 not out trio, including Altmanano and new blood, Neal.
So was it a success? Well we had at least six new faces and I am sure we shall see a couple of them this season, some quite handy too, so maybe I shall take a break from opening the bowling? But let’s not speak too soon. If you have a new any new contacts then please send them onto me and we shall get them enrolled!