Hello comrades, below is the results of our AGM from 8th February 2017.
The AGM was held in the most celubrious of venues, The Montagu Pyke on Greek street.
Is there a quorum of at least 3? Yes. Those present were:
- Dacha, Dan Woodhouse
- Soldya, Dan March
- Jontin, Jonathan Savitt
- Yankheroff, Jon Hirst
- Will Roberts
- Simon Woods
- Harrison Rose
- Yuri, Philip Richardson
A toast to absent friends was warmly received.
- Treasurer post empty so Yuri stands in for this part
- Treasurer has stood down after invitation as he was unable to volunteer time – namely Ilyeva, Olivier Lauchenauer
- A bank statement was presented as a report due to lack of treasury time and input. This was reviewed by all to determine there was no impropriety.
- A vote was taken on the main issue of whether or not fees should change from the 2016 season and a decision of ‘no change’ was arrived at. Jontin voted against, expressing no opinion in either way!
- Membership fees are £50 for the season except for under 18s, full time students and those who are over 59.
Comrade commissar Yankheroff, John Hirst, presented a detailed list of fixtures for 2017 which shall be presented to the comrades soon.
- It has a splendid schedule and provides a game every other week.
- A fantastic two day event towards season end.
- 4 innings match
- at Baldock
- Paying for umpires and scorers
- LMS and BELIEVERS dropped
- Ley Hill added
- Biggest season ever!
- Yankheroff determined we bring in new blood, at least 2-3 regulars – all in agreement
- Grateful for young blood at the AGM – let’s see them playing!
- Start of season drinks required late March early April
- Ipad APP of some description required to help in scoring
- Yuri pointed out the need was equally that of lack of ‘bother’ from some comrades
- App shall be purchased!
- A toast of congratulations was given to Yankheroff for stirling work in the fixtures for 2017 and his work last season.
- The purchase through charitable collection of a portable defibrillator was raised for a vote and unanimously carried. We shall hope to have one in place by the season end. This will take considerable effort and a plan must be prepared.
- Twitter feed – Brandonovski wants to contribute further content to that. All agreed.
- FACEBOOK/BLOG: A long and passionate debate ensued and covered the following areas:
- Yankheroff felt the blog and its costs was not necessary as it is usurped by Facebook
- Yuri believe both have their place.
- The FB group is now public and both events and posts are soon to be on the blog.
- Although Yuri was happy to maintain the blog under his own funds, the general consensus was to maintain both blog and facebook.
- FB definitely captures most of our current players
- Blog is accessible and readily available to those that are not on facebook
- Brandonovski also sees the need for recruitment and together with Yankheroff and Yuri we shall develop a recruitment drive for about 3-4 new players, over and above the intake of the last two seasons.
- The shop is still there and selling our club kit: http://www.seriouscricket.co.uk/teamwear/stores/soho-cricket-collective
- Every paid player should have at least a match shirt, presently at £19.99
- After keenly volunteering to look after net bookings at Paddington and beyond, Dacha, Dan Woodhouse, was appointed Training Commissar. A unanimously welcomed appointment.
- We are still happy to use Paddington as our main net facility
- Plastic stumps for SCC shall be purchased (present stumps are with Yuri)

- All comrades to concentrate on fitness
- Youth in the outfield placed where valuable
- Always buy your round in the pub
- Everybody must make a greater effort to know your positions – we shall train in this
- More talking in the field – keep the Soho spirit up
- Dacha to enable pre-match warm ups and develop them
- Voting for Treasurer was an odd affair as Brandonovski had said that he would do it if nobody else would – nobody else did. Consequently the commissariat positions are as follows
- comrade commissar premier – Yuri
- comrade commissar treasurer – Brandonovski
- comrade commissar fixtures secretary – Yankheroff
- comrade commissar of captains – Jontin
- comrade commissar quartermaster – Brandonovski
- comrade commissar adjutant – Hodderoff
- comrade commissar of training – Dacha
- By this point it must be noted for the minutes that a fair amount of mist had fogged the eyes of the chairperson and minute-taker, Yuri. Apologies for the brevity throughout, but I believe this was noted:
- Yankheroff – worried for SCC last season but feels we are all delighted that we are still a team and will play on and on and on. 2017 to be a great season.
- Possible nicknames were devised for Harrison and Simon.
- Plemyanik – Harrison
- Ledz – Simon
THE MEETING CLOSED with the bar still open.