VCC win by six wickets scoring 95
SCC all out scoring 93… again
Timed game

Comrades, after much delay I bring you the match report for our annual home game in Suffolk versus The VCC. Suffolk as we all know, is the sporting hub of Soho’s cricketers since 2011. Time before which, little was known of the glorious game beyond Romilly Street. Moor Street is of course recognised as the home of all cricket second only to Belsize Village, although it is believed the game originating from there was first played with the severed testicle of the Hampstead mountain Goat. Soho of course, developed the modern ball, derived from a fossilised turd of King Henry XIII.
And so to our annual VCC battle. A toss was given and Captain Marx B, otherwise known as Mark Blackledge, stepped onto his home field and brought Mark Bennett with him. We oshall SCC Him to Bennettov because I feel happier that way. Our captain, who is slowly getting us into shape, was home and happy but The VCC brought with them their own shade of luck and skill. Marx struck on to a depleted four. But before he could gallantly partner up with Bennettov, the latter was LBW off VCC Captain Flew for two. Clearly devastated by his partners sudden demise, Marx gave an edge to Wicky Roberts for a total of four.

A shame as youngest Blackledge, Tristan was looking forward to running his Dad up and down a lot but all he could do was watch our beloved captain walked in and plump down on a sofa dreaming of the innings that wasn’t. Next time Comrade commissar captain.
special note here for Young Marx Tristan. Facing over fifty balls he patted away a happy and deserved sixty runs. With eight boundaries and some chippy little runs, he gave the collective some hope and provided partners to several following bats despite finally being stumped by a delighted VCC’s Yorke.
Returning from some absence, Charlie Richards, British ambassador to the city of Lemongrade, stepped up, but after scoring two, stepped down LBW to Deano Scott. It’s hard thing to berate a freelancer who has helped the SCC recently, but blast you, Deano! But a great spell. Why so, I hear some say? Because despite Brandonovski’s stoical facing nine balls to accompany Tristan, Deano snapped his stumps from reality for two.
Buster Marx in. Then out for one from Bee. We had all dreamed of a Blackledge slog-a-thon as these two young impskis smacked the capitalists balls into the village church. But it wasn’t to be. At this point the dreaded cloud of “do you think we can make a draw?” reared its sneering, nasty, rainy and cloudy head.

Andropov Sewelski steps up, brogues shining and urged to block and stall. Four balls faced and five scored. the second highest score. It is his height that enables him to pick his holes… If you know what I mean? But he sadly picked a hole for a slog where Roberts picked up a catch off Bee. good go, comrade. Good go.
Soldya Nipskin, The mad hatter of the SCC… Ducky wuck to Yorke. Ilyeva Lunchhour… Duck sucky doodar to Yorke. A draw was looking more like a defeat. Can the Richardson brothers do anything? Chipmonkski the elder stepped up and after Ilyeva departed was joined by yours truly, Yuri Pedeez. It was short though. Yuri got a dazzling single off one delivery but Chipmonksi was snuffed for none off Baldwin.
We hit a total of 93.

First up…despite a battery of attack from Yuri, Chipmonkski, Tristan Marx, Bennetov, Buster and Soldya, nothing could budge Bam Bam of the VCC and so he knocked a healthy 54. Yuri had five overs no wickets and a maiden. My excuse for a lack lustre performance is jet lag… But no comrade can use excuses! Just exlax.
Chipmonkski nibbled six overs for fifteen runs with a tasty maiden. But the first wicket didn’t arrive until Tristan Marx snaffled VCC cobra for eleven. Next Tristan victim was with the kind assistance of his father and our great captain, Marx! A Wicky catch to applaud, taking Scott for nine. Bennetov snatched a handy Savitt and Baldwin for four and none respectively but by this point they had fourteen overs to score two runs. Let us be honest, it was not looking fab. Soldya snatched LBW against Yorke but four from Bam Bam ended the match.

IN CONCLUSION comrades, we lost again. but on the good side… I think our field work is much improved. Good stops in the field, catching improving, some nice comradery and we are developing that team feeling. I like the way we park. When we saunter about the pitch I sense great knowledge in casually holding the bat. Padding ups quick we have nailed. Let us just make sure that comrades and guests remember our motto and keep the fun.
Till next time, comrades!
SCC Scorecard

VCC Scorecard