For those 91% of you who thankfully didn’t show up, may I present to you our most scintillating minutes!
AGM held at The Union Club
Those present at 19:00 and then followed some five minutes later, formed the quorum required and were: comrades Yuri, Ilyeva, Yankheroff, Soldya, Jontin and Cobramovitch.
. Present commissar jobs shall remain as they were. Special note made that the role of comrade commissar Fixtures is created for day matches.
. Those in those posts are unchanged and comrade commissar Yankheroff is in charge of day fixtures. Comrade commissar quartermaster Brandonovski is given special duties for fixtures 20-20.
. It was decided there shall be no voting of next year for the positions of Premier and Treasurer.
Treasurer Ilyeva
. Bank account explained and accepted to the last degree.
. £319 to go to Parkinson’s charity.
. Over £1,500 went to the David Adams Leukaemia appeal fund at The Royal Marsden Hospital.
. Subs will remain at £40 for 18 and overs and £20 for youth.
. Half of all subs go to charity.
. The regents park 20-20 tournament will cost £65 to play.
. Certain games will be more if costs are higher but sufficient notice will be given. Otherwise the general match fee will be £10.
quartermaster Brandonovski
. Absent skiing but Cobramovich wished to send him gratitude for a great job last season, we all agreed.
. This seemed like the relevant moment for Jontin to tell us he has lost two stone. He will need a new shirt.
. New styled caps are available from serious cricket.
.Ilyeva will be purchasing this season’s balls.
. There was a brief debate as to whether Cobramovich’s request that Jontin wear a muzzle whilst playing? This was voted down as it was considered to reduce by too much, the level of noise on the pitch, we wish to up, not down.
cultural attaché Cobramovich
. The instructional video of the official greeting of one SCC comrade to another which was filmed diligently at last years cocktails soirée is to be uploaded by Yuri as soon as possible.
. An email of field positions is to be emailed out to all comrades.
. This then forms part of our SOCIAL QUIZ night on March 21st 2014. This was discussed twice on the night but the prescient points are put down here:
. This night is both social and recruitment with a quiz thrown in!
. Each comrade must try to bring at least one new recruit.
. Soldya to arrange quiz including: field positions, scoring and umpiring.
. Cobramovich is looking into a location for the event.
. If this is too much for one event, we shall have the social first and then followed by the quiz another night.
captains’ reports
Cobramovich: last year was very happy about the atmosphere. very good. But wants to make sure we have “stick ability”. Practice on catching is essential. Regents park for catching practice and maybe a field practice session. David Hooper and Stew Barnes were great additions.
in abstentia, Marx wants us to have a composed anthem to sing. We are all for a song but some we’re wondering if we could take melody from an already existing Russian tune?
We should develop a vocal field-checking chant which we must abide by in the field. Keep that pressure up.
He also wanted to ask if it was time for a tour? This was covered more in Jontin’s report although I feel in hindsight, less SCC orientated.
Jontin enjoyed his half match last season and looks forward to more captaining this season. He warns though, of his firm style and strict discipline. So comrades, focus on plying him with compliments and ale and I sense a softer Odobenus Rosmarus will appear! His quote was “I like to win.” – Semper Sodales, fors et Victores, comrade!
Yuri, myself, was delighted with last season though felt a few holes could have been added to in fixtures. This coming season looks good.
I also encouraged a lot more field comedy and barracking!
Comrade commissar Yankheroff and Soldya also wished to captain a 20-20 this season with some strong vice presence and Ilyeva fancied some vice captain work himself.
This is a breakdown of forthcoming fixtures for the season. As it stands now it is splendid and all agreed. Compliments were given to both Brandonovski and Yankheroff for excellent planning. Anyhow, here is the schedule so far.
. Sunday 4th May… SCC v LMSCC at Chiswick (SCC home)
. Saturday 17th May… PSCC v SCC at Penn Street
. Wednesday 21st May… David Adams’ Tournament at Roehampton
. Friday 23rd May… Friendly4 20-20 #1 Reg’ Park
. Saturday 24th May… BWCC v SCC at Badlesmere
. Friday 6th June… Friendly4 20-20 #2 Reg’ Park
. Saturday 7th June… KCCC 2nd XI v SCC at Keble College, Oxford PENCIL
. Saturday 21st June… SCC v VCC at Culford (SCC home)
. Sunday 6th July… SRCC v SCC at Stoke Row
. Friday 11th July… Friendly4 20-20 #3 Reg’ Park
. Saturday 19th July… SCC v MOFCC at ?
. Friday 25th July… SCC v BOLCC 20-20 Reg’ Park
. Sunday 3rd August… XCC v SCC at Xiles Brighton
. Friday 8th August… LCC v SCC at Lindfield. Moved since AGM
. Sunday 31st August… CBCC v SCC at Chesham Bois
. 13/14 September… Fixture?

Any other business
Somewhat aside from the AGM, Soldya was called briefly away in chase of a young lady. Whilst we couldn’t watch the interaction, it was bold and brave. Soldya was informed he was “…batting above his average.” by the nimble prey and she was off before he could mention he was a bowler. Comrade, we salute you.
In regards to a tour; there was a general interest in a tour if the usual suspects were all going. But where was the question most asked. Also to this, was the question, organised by whom?
Jontin has a tour and scheme which is up his sleeve but as it would not be an SCC tour, we cannot mention it in the minutes. Please consult with him directly on this 2015 foreign adventure! He is sure to fill you in.
Business closed at 21:18
Do Svidaniya