Friday 8th November saw the SCC comrades gather in Soho for our end of season drinks and awards. As you can see, the grand recipient of the SCC’s much prized Cobramovich trophy for the Comrades’ comrade went to our Soldya, Dan March. Congratulations all round!
The night was a glorious success and the glitz and glamour positively dribbled from the walls of the Woolworths derilict store room within which such an august event was held. Full list of winners is here:
Cobramovich trophy: Soldya, Dan March
Most runs: Malikovich, Malik Suleman
Most wickets: Soldya, Dan March
Wicket Keeping merit: Brandonovski, Pete Brandon
Captaincy merit: Jontin, Jonathan Savitt
Most improved: Soldya, Dan March
Yes, Soldya received three awards. … that happened.
Bless all you, comrades!

This is the last known image of the trophy with two handles.