The season flashed passed us like a swallow on the wing, the summer yielding to autumn and now the chilled bite of winter. And so we were to mark the close of the season with our trophy award and certificates of merit. The Union club was the haunt of choice and a goodly crowd of comrades were present. The drinks were accompanied by lashings of food, predominantly chips.
So who won what? Well here is the list of victorious comrades: In no particular order we shall start with Most Improved Comrade who for this season is Ilyeva Lunch-hour! aka Olivier Lauchenauer. A well earned merit as his batting average improved mightily from last season and his athleticism in the field was overshadowed only by his dogged determination.
Soldya Oldcarlastnight, Dan March, scooped Most Wickets from Bowling for 2013. He may cost a little more than some but like an expensive bathroom fixture, he buffs up nicely and can get you wet all over.
Most catches in the Field award to Marx-B! Superb year for one of our captains and it was accompanied by Mark Blackledge’s Captaincy Merit Certificate which makes him a most delighted victor.
Other Captaincy Merit Awards went to Cobramovich, Tim Graham. To Yuri Pedeez, otherwise known as Premier Yuri and for the first time to comrade Jontin, Jon Savitt. Despite being absent for the awards, Jontin is very chuffed to receive it for his first outing at Lindfield this season. And if that wasn’t enthusiastic for comrade Jontin, he won the award for the most runs in the season – congratulations comrade.

2013 Comrades’ Comrade
Another sterling year for Robski, Rob Dixon as he was awarded the Season’s Most Keeper’s Wickets. But that was nothing in the face of who won The Comrades’ Comrade Trophy for 2013 ….. Which Robski also won! Well done comrade. You may be quietly always sat behind the wicket and just getting on with getting on but you are highly respected comrade and we salute you! Congratulations!!
So that is that for the season and we shall soon announce the AGM date and the match schedule for next season, and so the wheel turns. Do Svidaniya, comrades!